Daly ES General PTA Meeting
October 4, 2011
Present: AnneMichelle Johnson, President; Heather Watson, Vice President; Krista Stewart, Treasurer; Amy Burnham, Secretary; Nora Dietz, Principal; Penny German, Assistant Principal; Stacey Fearheiley, Staff Appreciation Chair; Tiki Baldwin Collins, Fundraising Chair; Sharlene Allen, Academic Enrichment/Cultural Arts Chair; Maria Martinez, Book Fair/Multicultural Chair; Laurin Goodman, Volunteer Coordinator Chair; Mike Rabinowitz, Market Day Chair; Makeda Richardson, Communications Chair; Cristina Avalos; Fily Aw; Corryn Bellamy; Snobie Davis; Virgine Degbe; John Finn; Suzzie Finn; Nakita Fowler; Lettina Guangal; Elvia Herrera; Emmanuel Jean-Philippe; Kadiatou Kamara; Mariama Kamara; Sandar Mejia; Ana Mendez; Pedro Mendez; Luis Morocho; Anne Marie Ndong; Karen Nettles; Jankey Niasse; Anthony Nwakibu; Monica Rabinowitz; Miriam Reyes; Sandra Pais; Sara Parks; Alicia Rivera; Maimouna Sarr; and Dnamika Somaweera.
The meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m.
1. Welcome - The President welcomed everyone to the first meeting of the year. She introduced the Executive Board and the Committee Chairs.
2. Mrs. Dietz Report
• Mrs. Dietz has been ill the last couple of weeks, but she is recovering. The school year has gotten off to a busy start with the new curriculum for Kindergarten through Second Grade, the new technology, and the new staff. They have hired a new Kindergarten teacher and they are in the process of hiring an ESOL teacher.
• Daly has new Promethean boards. Staff are getting trained on how to use the boards and how to introduce technology in their lessons. For the teachers who did not receive Promethean boards, they have Elmos that they are receiving training on as well. Mrs. German has experience and knowledge of the new technology. She can make a presentation at the next PTA meeting.
• Walk to School Day is October 5. Daly was chosen to represent the County. Parents are encouraged to attend. The Superintendent, staff, students, and parents will walk from Clear Spring Park to school. There will be a presentation by the Superintendent, Mrs. Dietz, and other community leaders focusing on safety.
• Parent Conferences will be November 10 and 11.
• If you would like to contact Mrs. Dietz, you may send a note to her or call her.
3. Officer Reports
a. President - The Fun Run to support the cluster's schools is Saturday, October 15. The deadline for the raffle and to sponsor is Friday, October 14. Please make checks payable to Daly PTA. The sign-up sheets and more information will be posted on the PTA's blog and the yahoo group site.
b. Vice President
• There are currently 17 individual memberships, 18 family memberships, and 19 staff memberships. The membership fee can be waived.
• The PTA still needs co-chairs for Staff Appreciation, Cultural Arts, and Fundraising committees. Two delegates are also needed. The delegates represent the Daly PTA at the Montgomery County PTA meeting the fourth Tuesday of the month at the Carver Educational
Center. (Note: As of the writing of these minutes, only co-chairs for the Cultural Arts and Fundraising committees were still vacant.)
c. Treasurer - The budget was presented for a vote. A motion was made, seconded, and the budget was approved unanimously by the members.
d. Secretary - A report was not made by the Secretary.
4. Committee Reports
a. Staff Appreciation - The chair requested new committee members. There will not be meetings, but emails to discuss and plan events. If anyone has new ideas, please contact the chair.
b. Fundraising
• Spirit Nights are when local restaurants donate a portion of proceeds on a particular night based on customers mentioning they are with Daly. This year Spirit Nights will be every other month, but bigger events than last year. It was suggested that Spirit Nights be on Fridays to get more participation.
• Mrs. McCaffrey will be collecting and counting Box Tops.
• The Mixed Bags catalogue was sent home in the Wednesday folder. The first orders are due October 14. A second order will be due November 4.
• The committee will need help copying and distributing flyers.
• The PTA is also selling first aid kits for your home and auto at $9.50 each.
• Fundraising is important, so the PTA can host events for our students.
c. Cultural Arts/International Night - The chair is looking for committee members and new ideas. There will be one or two events throughout the year. The first will be International Night on October 28. A motion was made to start International Night at 7:00 p.m. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously by the members.
d. Book Fair
• The fall book fair is November 7-11 in the Media Center. Volunteers will be needed. There will be extended hours on November 10 and 11 during conferences.
• The fair will be opened up online during the fair and will be extended a week after the fair. In addition to buying books at the fair, books can be ordered online and they will be delivered to the school.
• Last year, there were $6000 in sales with $1200 profit.
• A suggestion was made to ask the teachers to make wish lists for their classes. Parents and students could buy books suggested by the teachers.
• A suggestion to repeat the One for Books program was made to raise money for students who cannot afford to buy books.
e. Volunteer Coordinator - The chair will be going to a mandatory training class offered by the County on October 19. There are opportunities to volunteer once or on an ongoing basis.
f. Market Day - Market Day is way the PTA fundraises. People can buy food online and pick-up the food once a month at Daly. There are weekly, monthly, and new customer specials. People should try it once to see the convenience and the quality to become repeat customers. Debt,
credit, and Independence cards are accepted. The chair will try to have some samples at the next PTA meeting.
g. Communications - The chair introduced her committee members and encouraged members to sign-up for the Yahoo group. Emails will be sent out to remind people about upcoming meetings and events.
5. Old Business - There was no old business discussed.
6. New Business
a. Captain Silly Bones - If you book Captain Silly Bones for a party and mention the Community Picnic, he will reduce the price by $50 and give you free goody bags.
b. Next Meeting - After discussion to possibly change the PTA meeting day, it was decided that the next PTA meeting will be Tuesday, November 1 at 7:00 p.m.
After a motion to adjourn was made and seconded, the members unanimously voted to adjourn at 8:25 p.m.
The meeting minutes are submitted by the Secretary on October 9, 2011.